Have you ever tried to play Holy Ghost junior? You may not have even realized it.
That happened to me today and the Lord opened my eyes to it. I thought "Wow!" and that famous Steve Eurkle line popped into my head, "Did I do that??"
Sometimes we see things in people that we think needs changing (and it may) and it may irk us because we see it more clearly than they do. We may get irritated because we think they should see it the way we do and Right Now! So we start coming up with ways to help them along. We say things hoping they will take the cue and get a clue. When that doesn't work, we try something different.
Have you ever noticed that when we do that...it makes them defensive and angry?
Here is what the Lord spoke to me about this..."It's not your place, so it's not going to work". OUCH!!! I had to repent.
See, we think we know better than God on how to deal with people and situations. Do you know why? Because we neglect to seek His face on the situation before we open our mouths and tell the other person to do this or that or go here or there.
That is why they cannot receive it from us and it causes strife or bad decisions.
You have not spoken under the anointing or grace that only God can lead you by.
If you see that you have operated in your flesh in what you have told people, whether it is your husband, your children, your friends or whomever, then be quick to repent and take it to the Lord and if He says to do nothing...do nothing! He may have someone else He has been trying to use and you have just been getting in the way.
I praise God that He pointed this out to me!! Now you make a decision to receive correction and rejoice!!
He has just taken you higher!! Nehemiah 8:8-10
Pastor Kathy Mosier