Monday, November 26, 2012

The Love of God

The Love of God

‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoseoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life’ John 3:16.  

Let us take a deep look into this verse.  Can you imagine someone taking a punch in the face so that you can live a life free of sickness?  Can you imagine someone being kicked in the back of the head so that no weapon formed against you shall prosper?  What about someone having a nail, most likely the size of railroad ties, driven through their wrist so that you may have peace both on the Earth and throughout eternity?
I want you to imagine yourself being this person.  Think about how much you would have to love a person to take this sort of torture for them.  Oh, do not forget that you know for several years leading up to the day of torture what is going to happened.  In addition, you have every opportunity to back out.

Obviously, I am referring to the life of Jesus and his purpose here on Earth.  In Matthew 26:39, Jesus prayed, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:”  He is asking that he not endure what is coming because he knows how horrible it is going to be.  But then the second part of the prayer is “nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”  Despite the knowledge that he has, he will go through with his calling because it is the will of God.  This not only speaks to the love that Jesus has for the world, but it also speaks to the love and trust that he has for God.

In Matthew 4 Jesus was tempted by Satan to not go through with the calling that God had put on his life.  In verse 9, Satan offered Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world.  So, at that very point in history, Jesus made a choice to resist the wiles of the devil and to accept the calling of Jesus.  The world should be thankful that He chose the unselfish path.

Now that you have attempted to relate to Jesus, take it one step further.  Try to imagine the position of God.  Send your only son into a place that will not accept him.  Into a place where he will be ridiculed, persecuted, and eventually tortured and murdered.  Then, he is going to be sent to hell for three days so that the very people that murdered him can have a way to avoid hell.  In addition, throughout time, people attempt to deny that this incredible sacrifice even happened.  Despite knowing all of this, God sent Jesus to the Earth knowing the he would be tempted by Satan, knowing that he would request an alternative, and knowing that there would still be those that rejected Him.
Think about how much God loved us to put His Son through that.  Think about the words of John 3:16 and how true the love of God really is.  Think of how much love God must have for each and every one of us that he will accept us into His Kingdom just for accepting Jesus into our hearts.  He is not asking for us to endure anything close to the sacrifices of His Son.  Instead, He is offering us everlasting life, health, security, and peace.  All of these things were taken from His Son so that we may have them.  The love that God must have for us to do what he did is a love that I want and need a revelation of.  If God will offer up his own son as a sacrifice for my sins so that I may live without lack, without sickness, and without the curse, what would God not do for me?  

Once we get a revelation of the depth of God’s love, we will understand that he has already provided everything we need.  Once we understand this, nothing else will matter except God’s will being done on Earth, and once we are focused on His will, we will stop asking Him for worldly things and start asking what He would have us do for His Kingdom.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

You Cannot Serve Two Masters

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, after the recent elections I have spent a lot of my time in meditation and prayer and I would like to share my thoughts.  

I feel your anger and bitterness.  You look around at your fellow Americans and ask yourselves, how can you do this?  The answer is quite simple, this nation has turned its back on God and they do not know their Lord.  You cannot serve two masters and they have chosen to serve the ruler of this world.

  The ramification of this election is great.  We now have a government that calls what is good bad and what is bad good. With 16 trillion in debt they will continue to spend this country into an economic collapse, and when the United States sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold, so this will be a worldwide collapse.  They will continue to print money to try to pay for their spending which will continue to devalue the dollar and create massive inflation.  Expect to see higher and higher taxes as the price of everything you buy continues to rise.  You will continue to see massive regulation from the EPA on greenhouse gas emissions that will cause utilities bills and gas to skyrocket.  They will continue to defund and weaken the military until we will no longer be able to defend ourselves.   

The Bible talks about the nation of Israel.  All nations are judged on how they treat the country that God has placed his name on.  Those that bless Israel will be blessed those that curse Israel will be cursed.  The United States has been a friend and ally of the nation of Israel since it was re-founded in 1948, but now we have a government in direct opposition to Israel. With Israel feeling more and more isolated and knowing they can no longer rely on the United States, I would expect them to launch an attack on the Iranian nuclear facility in the near future that could very well escalate into WWIII and draw us into it. This will usher in a world government system and a one world religion that will be forced upon us.  All of this will lead to a final battle that will culminate in our Lord setting up his kingdom on earth that will not perish.  You should not be surprised about what I am writing about because it has already been written in the bible. 

This is not the time for you to despair and to become fearful, this is the time for you to gird up your loin belt, dust off your bibles and get into the word. Put on the whole armor of God because we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this world and, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  In their arrogance the enemy thinks it is winning, they think they have defeated and demoralized us, but I see the Lords hand in all this, he is moving the nations to his place of choosing and for his judgment for our God is also the God of the deceived and the deceiver.  He increases nations and destroys them. He enlarges them and straightens them again. He gives and he takes away. At the same time he is gathering his people to him.  We have become too complacent and have trusted the government to always do the right thing. Now he is taking away everything that we trusted and relied on so that only he is left, so put your trust in him.  Soon the Lord will pour out his spirit on the earth and you should expect to see miracles and all manner of great wonders, be ready to receive it.  

We still have a lot of brothers and sisters still living in darkness, once they stop believing and relying on the government they will flood back to the Lord, we should welcome them with open arms. We have been put on this earth for a purpose and at this time and this place. You will become the kings and priest of the kingdom set up by our Lord and we will reign with Jesus forever. It is time for you to prepare yourself, put away the things of the flesh and focus on the Lord, because our time is drawing short and the victory is ours.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Album Party Faith Has A Voice

3:00 pm
LIFE Church and Training Center
5895 E. Thompson Rd.
Indpls., IN 46237