Are You Gonna Call (Upon)?
Everyday you are faced with choices
that you have to make. They can be as simple as - what am I going to wear, eat,
or do today or as complex as - should I marry this person, take this job or
that one, etc. But did you realize that you make a lot of choices you seem
unaware of? You will make choices that determine your day, your week or even
the rest of your life, as well as choices that determine how you handle
situations and crisis in your life.

Everyday you make a choice to submit
to either God or the devil. I bet you didn't see that one coming! J More times than not, without
even realizing it, you submit to the devil and his works of darkness.
you say, “But I’m a Christian and I go to church every time the doors are open!
I work at the church, I volunteer, for heaven’s sake I teach Children’s church!
How can you say such a thing”?!!
easily…do you want to know how? By listening to what comes out of your mouth
between the “Praise the Lord!” and “Hallelujah’s!”.

see…if what comes out of your mouth is contrary to the Word of God and what He
says about your situation, then you are bringing yourself into submission to
satan and allowing the works of darkness to operate in your life.
you need to do is keep your mouth SHUT until you have heard from God about
anything - from how your day should be ordered to what He wants you to speak
over your body when symptoms of sickness try to come against you, to what you
should say to the person that is right in front of you yelling at you for
whatever reason, etc.

night you need to seek the Lord and inquire in His temple for the next day. Ask
Him to show you how He wants you to handle what may come the next day or in the
weeks to come. Ask Him to let you hear what He would have you to speak over
people or situations that would arise. Ask Him to prepare you and equip you so
that you will not fall prey to the tactics the enemy of your soul will present
to you that day.
Read in John 5:19, 30 about what Jesus did. Something a dear
friend once said to us has impacted us greatly. He said “Jesus prayed and
sought the Father at night and commanded (or carried out what He saw and heard)
during the day”.
wants you to be prepared as a good soldier to fight the good fight of faith.
Declare with your mouth that which brings life to your body, to your family –
those you love, to your finances, to your job, to those around you.
can you prosper in ALL things if you are constantly speaking death to those you
love, speaking that you feel sick and agreeing with the symptoms, complaining
about work and the people there, etc.
3:3-18 talks about the tongue and how it affects your life and the lives of
those around us.

your tongue and every part of your being into submission to God. Resist
agreeing with satan on ANY level and he must flee. Draw near to God every day and
He will draw near to you so that you can be a BLESSING everywhere you go and to
whomever you meet!
(James 4:7-8)
Who are YOU gonna call upon today?
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