I feel really impressed to encourage two things.
The first is to listen to the Holy Spirit. I want to re-iterate John 16:13-15.

The second thing that I would like to encourage is to change our desires to be the same as His.
Read the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.

These two things go hand in hand.
In order to know what God wants, one must listen to the Holy Spirit. If one is listening to the Holy Spirit, then their desires will start to line up with His. Let’s shift out focus away from ourselves so that we do not get in the way of what God wants to do.
I have said before, and the same applies now, I need to apply what is written in this piece just as much as anyone else. With the times that are coming, it is time to be quiet and listen to what God is trying to speak to us through the Holy Spirit. God is well aware of what we need, and He does not need us wasting prayer time pleading for ourselves.
Matthew 6:31-32 says “Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things doe the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”
On the Day of Pentecost, God left His Holy Spirit on the Earth to help us. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is defined in John 16:13.
“He will guide you into all truth.”
So when the Holy Spirit tells us to do something, we need to recognize that He is telling us to do it because that is what God does and/or what God wants from us. One can never go wrong listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be consulted about any situation. If you had a friend that you could ask about anything: finances, relationships, health, and they always had the correct answer, would you value that person’s relationship? What lengths would you go to maintain communication with that person? Well, the Holly Spirit is that friend, and just like any other friend, you need to spend time with him to get to know Him and learn to communicate with Him. The more time you spend with the Holly Spirit, the more He will teach about you God and the easier it will be to communicate.

One of the most wonderful things that the Holy Spirit can do is telling us how to pray. I think that it is safe to say that most people do not consult the Holy Spirit when they pray. Most prayer revolves around what the individual person would like to see happen, and I seriously doubt that the desires of one’s flesh lines up with the desires of God. What I would encourage everyone, as well as myself, is to learn how to communicate with the Holy Spirit so that he can tell you what the Father wants. When we are confident in what the Father wants, the focus of our prayer will change. Instead of praying for the things that God has already promised us, we can start praying for the things that God wants to come to pass.
The past few years have been a time to learn to communicate with the Holly Spirit and to get to know who God is and what His will is. This time will eventually come to an end. Those that did not use this time wisely will not be ready for battle and will be susceptible to being fooled by the enemy. Their use will be limited respective to their knowledge of God’s will. The entertainment of this world is keeping people from communicating with the Holy Spirit and gaining knowledge of God. This is Satan’s attempt to gain an advantage in the battle against truth. The important thing to remember is that we have the victory and Satan knows it.