Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We Are The Measuring Stick

Mark 4:24-25 says: And He said unto them, Take heed what you hear; with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

Did you catch that about the measure? What he is saying is that WE ARE THE MEASURING STICK when it comes to what we can believe and what we can receive!

Two people can hear the same scriptures, on say, healing or prosperity and there will be two different outcomes according to what we choose to believe about it.

Those that take the Word giving much study and thought to it - receiving it with joy and faith - will get what they are believing God for.

The same with the person who decides that he will read it once and "just try it". If it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't and will say "I told you it doesn't work!"
They will receive what they are believing for - absolutely nothing and then blame the Lord for it.

You cannot receive beyond what you believe and you cannot believe beyond the Word you have stored in your heart. Romans 10:10

It's time my friends, to Study the Word with Diligence to show thyself approved - 2 Timothy 2:15

Go For It!!!

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